Jesus Storybook Bible 18: Daniel and the Scary Sleepover

Today’s Story is story #18, Daniel and the Scary Sleepover.  It comes from the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den, found in Daniel 6.


18 Daniel and the Scary Sleepover


Today’ Song:  Daniel


1.  Daniel prayed to God each day and always did his best,

But wicked men who hated God put Daniel to the test.

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel took his stand,

I will be like Daniel and follow God’s command.


2.  Daniel chose to follow God and face the lion’s den,

But God delivered Daniel’s life And killed those wicked men.

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel took his stand,

I will be like Daniel and follow God’s command.


3.  When I do God’s perfect will some folks may scoff and jeer;

But since the Lord is on my side, my heart will never fear.

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel took his stand,

I will be like Daniel and follow God’s command.