Jesus Storybook Bible: 02: The Terrible Lie

Today’s story comes from Genesis chapter 3.

02 The Terrible Lie


Today’s Song: “Obedience”

Obedience is the very best way, to show that you be-lieve.(…)
Doing ex-actly what the Lord com-mands, doing it happi-ly.
Action is the key – do it im-mediately, joy you will re-ceive.
Obedience is the very best way to show that you be-lieve.

Obedience is the very best way to show that you be-lieve.

We want to live pure we want to live clean.
We want to do our best.(…)
Sweetly sub-mitting to authori-ty, leaving to God the rest.
Walking in the light, keep our attitudes right,
On the narrow way.
For if you believe the Word you receive,
You always will o-bey!